Healthy Food Made Easy Programme
Healthy Food Made Easy
6 Week Programme
Healthy Food Made Easy
Healthy Food Made Easy (HFME) is a 6-week (approx. 2 hours per week) programme with funding from Healthy Ireland.
The course provides participants with practical information on healthy eating, including, reading food labels, budgeting and meal planning. Participants also have the opportunity to improve cooking skills and experiment with dishes that are quick and easy to prepare.
The aim of the programme is to improve the nutritional knowledge and eating habits of participants which in turn can ultimately help reduce diet related chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.
Ideally a group number of 10-12 participants would suit best. A minimum of 8 confirmed people MUST be available for the course to go ahead. It is not suitable for groups of young people less than 17 years of age.
Programmes are usually run in the venue where groups regularly meet – a basic kitchen is preferable but not essential.
If you are interested in finding out more or organising the course for your club/group please contact Fiona for further information.